FineLife Integrated Natural Medical Centre

FineLife Pvt Ltd established Integrated Natural medical Centre in September 2024, bringing health care into a new level.  This is a first in kind in Sri Lanka to bring many different healing practices that truly support body, mind and soul without internal medicine. Idea is to bring a total solution to support the human body in physiological, psychological and spiritual wellbeing and maintain a journey towards a healthy strong and able old age. 

We strongly believe in the future the medical practice will turn into a completely different pathway and more people will be interested to experience good old healing techniques and maintaining fitness without health complications.  FineLife Integrated Natural Medical Centre is offering many ancient successful and promising natural medicine practices and also latest scientific based external medical practices in one place.  To support further, we have developed many natural plant based medicines and applications to support nutritional needs and external treatments.  Our combined anti-aging treatments offer a promising way of maintaining longevity, health and beauty hand in hand.

Our group of expertise team of doctors and masters are a true asset in this venture. 

We offer clinical testing at the location by Nawaloka Hospital Laboratory collection centre. This is an added advantage to carefully monitor and to provide proof of successful natural treatment procedures. 

What do we offer?

  • Combined treatment packages or individual treatments with
    Hydrotherapy – Acupuncture – Art Therapy – Homeopathy – Yoga –
    Reiki healing – Physiotherapy – Beauty treatments – Counseling  
  • Laboratory testing collection centre for blood and urine agent Nawaloka Hospitals PLC
  • Sales outlet for 100% natural plant based beauty and health products
  • We provide secure online consultations
  • Teaching and training centre for hydrotherapy, acupuncture, Yoga and Reiki


Call : 0743 143 100

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Ozone Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy

Hot and Cold treatments

Consultant: Dr Manohari Wickramaratchi

This system of hydrotherapy use an advanced technology brining hot spring and water fall benefits to a tub of water. Release Oxygen, Ultrasound and Far Infrared Energy that exert high impact of 3km jog effect or 1km slow walk in water. Suitable for all ages.


  1. Chronic disease management
    Diabetes, Cholesterol, Asthma, Arthritis, Back Pain, Varicose, Fatty Liver, Sinus, Sleeping disorders, Reproductive system disorders
  2. Skin exfoliation and full body cleansing
  3. Fat burning
  4. Toning and firming body and site specific reductions
  5. Detoxification
  6. Skin lightening effect


  1. Sportsman muscles relaxer, reduce tension
  2. Build up stamina
  3. Fast recovery after injury
  4. Lactic Acid clearance


  1. Children with birth defects
  2. Hyper active kids management
  3. Asthma treatments for children
  4. Detoxification and recovery for cancer patients during and after chemotherapy treatments
  5. Stroke / Paralysis recovery
  6. Orthopedic recovery after injury or surgery
  7. Back pain and muscular pain management
  8. Old age general wellness and immunity booster

Ozone Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy

Hot and Cold treatments

Consultant: Dr Manohari Wickramaratchi

This system of hydrotherapy use an advanced technology brining hot spring and water fall benefits to a tub of water. Release Oxygen, Ultrasound and Far Infrared Energy that exert high impact of 3km jog effect or 1km slow walk in water. Suitable for all ages.


  1. Chronic disease management
    Diabetes, Cholesterol, Asthma, Arthritis, Back Pain, Varicose, Fatty Liver, Sinus, Sleeping disorders, Reproductive system disorders
  2. Skin exfoliation and full body cleansing
  3. Fat burning
  4. Toning and firming body and site specific reductions
  5. Detoxification
  6. Skin lightening effect


  1. Sportsman muscles relaxer, reduce tension
  2. Build up stamina
  3. Fast recovery after injury
  4. Lactic Acid clearance


  1. Children with birth defects
  2. Hyper active kids management
  3. Asthma treatments for children
  4. Detoxification and recovery for cancer patients during and after chemotherapy treatments
  5. Stroke / Paralysis recovery
  6. Orthopedic recovery after injury or surgery
  7. Back pain and muscular pain management
  8. Old age general wellness and immunity booster

Body and Mind relaxation and energy flow

Master Pabasara

PranaFlow Yoga emphasizes the central role of breath (Prana) as foundation for both physical and spiritual well-being. This practice inegrates breathwork with the fluidity of various yoga styles, including Hatha, Ashtang Vinyasa and Yin Yoga. By synchronizing breath with movement, PranaFlow yoga encourages a deep connection between mind and body, enhancing mindfulness, flexibility, and inner balance. PranaFlow Yoga offers a holistic approach to revitalize your energy and restore harmony within. Suitable for all ages, it provide pathway to personal growth and self-awareness through the power of Pranayama.

  • On Line Group session
  • On Line Individual
  • Individual in-person
  • Group of 1 to 6 (in person) or larger groups (in person)

Beauty Treatments

Physical with 100% herbal treatments

Scalp and Hair care Consultant Dr Chandana

Beautician Ms Niro

We treat dandruff, premature greying, hair fall, thin hair, dry scalp treatments, hair dye allergy treatment with massage and herbal treatment.


Anti-aging treatments & Facials

Using our own brands of 100% natural herbal products. This is an anti-aging treatment that reduce wrinkles, pigmentations and skin blemishes and acne.


Nails and Foot care

Consultant Dr Manohari Wickramaratchi
Beautician Ms. Niro

Special Ozone Ultrasonic Hydro foot treatments to clear microbes and soften skin especially for people suffering with diabetes, varicose, obesity, bed ridden and also for general wellbeing.

Package includes thorough foot cleaning with clipping and filling of nails, cuticle cleaning, foot scrub and foot massage.




Combined Treatments


In order of treatments, Consultation, Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy, Beauty care and Reiki


Hydrotherapy and Acupuncture


Therapeutic Yoga, Acupuncture and hydrotherapy

PranaFlow Yoga, Hydrotherapy and Reiki

Special Packages with combined treatments

Consult our in-house doctor and select your plan

10% discount on all packages with personalized treatment plans

Diabetes with dietary plans offer combined treatments

Cholesterol – hydro & acupuncture


Arthritis, back pain, Sciatica, Gout

Paralysis, slurred speech, frozen shoulder

Migraine, sinus, tension headache

Gastritis, acid-influx

Fatty Liver

Insomnia, anxiety, bipolar, eating disorders

Nicotine addiction

Skin and hair disorders


Piles, hemorrhoids

Pain management

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