Ozone Ultrasonic Aroma Hydrotherapy
Water the Element of Life
A new concept to Health and Fitness with Hydrotherapy

What is hydrotherapy?
Water, the element of life is the most powerful naturally existing liquid in our planet that keeps us alive. Treatment with water is known as hydrotherapy and its powerful healing ability is used in different ways throughout the world to treat many diseases. Hydrotherapy, formerly called hydropathy, is probably the oldest form of medical treatment.
History of hydrotherapy?
How water covered the earth is still a mystery. Throughout the history the humanity has used water as a soothing, healing, relaxing and stimulating remedy. Sri Lankan history has well documented the existed water culture that can date back to “kuttang pokunu”, Sigiriya water gardens etc.
Father of Hydrotherapy, Sebastain Kneipp (1821-1897), a Catholic Priest in Germany, brought the “water cure” to the world after he cure himself with water from tuberculosis. Kneipp used simple cold water for his treatments. He believe water can protect against many diseases peculiar to those who lead a sedentary life, in which the brain has too much to do and the body little’- Seb Kneipp

Fine Life Pvt Ltd was established in 2007, for the promotion and propagation of many benefits of Hydrotherapy. In pursuance of the above objective, FineLife Chaired by Dr Ms. Manohari Wickramaratchi, established a Centre for sales, treatment , research, teaching and training in Battaramullla, Sri Lanka.
FineLife Pvt Ltd, holds the Regional Sales Agency for the Ultrasonic Aroma hydrotherapy system.
What is Ozone Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy System?
It’s a wonderful experience of combination of a “hot spring” and a “water fall” in the comfort of your own home
In 20 minutes of soaking, a person can effectively improve the blood circulation, boost internal organs, skin rejuvenation, remove stress, relax muscles and revitalize and energize body.
Why Choose Hydrotherapy?
Benefits of Ozone Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy
Water is the simplest natural ingredient find in nature to cure many ailments. Dr Masaru Emoto researched with water crystals proved its ability to store information and memory. Ozone Ultrasonic hydrotherapy system combines three powerful natural forces and blend with water. Human body carry 75% water and natural resonation of your own body water molecules combined with natural ultrasound, natural Infrared, Oxygen provides a complete solution for your wellbeing.

Ozone Ultrasonic Aroma Hydrotherapy is a powerful system to maintain and control chronic diseases such as Obesity, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Asthma, Arthritis etc. Making use of benefit of “ internal warming” this system of hydrotherapy regulate the core body temperature. System releases natural sound frequencies (8 -16 htz), natural infrared and Oxygen that improve and balance metabolic functions, blood circulation, hormone and enzyme activity by stimulating spine and internal organs.
Fitness and wellbeing has become an important aspect of life and Ultrasonic Hydrotherapy system can aid in maintaining that for you within 25 minutes a day. Its powerful Ozone air pumping speed of 46 lts per second has the ability to burn 300 calories and provide a 3 km jog effect in water.

Daily soaking in Ozone water leaves you with clear, smooth beautiful skin. Powerful ozone bubbles can shape and tone your body like a rock in a flowing river. Mainly its powerful Detoxification ability will give you inner and outer beauty with slowdown in aging process.
Ozone Ultrasonic hydrotherapy is the best solution available for rehabilitation after an ailment or to manage old age discomforts with ease, due to water bouency hydrostatic pressure oxygen it gives a fast recovery and regain back energy , flexibility and movability.